Windle’s Lighter

Windle’s Lighter
(info Youtube hirumaredx and Wowhead)
In Northrend Dalaran

You can buy Windle’s Lighter form Windle Sparkshine in Legion Dalaran at 9pm at night (not sure what time zone)

NPC Windle Sparkshine walks around the city using a wand to light up some of the lamp posts. Once done, for a limited time, you can purchase Windle’s Lighter from him and can use it to light up lamp posts he might have missed.

With Legion however – in New Dalaran you can simply walk up to him and buy the item.

Differnce being in New Dalaran you can’t use the lighter on lamp posts but only on wall lamps – however if you head back to old Dal you can use on posts there

If you talk to Windle after using it, you can ask him why the lighter no longer works on the lamp posts.

He replies:
Oh, yes, terribly sorry about that. I like to light the lamp posts myself, you see. It helps me.
Let’s leave it at that, please.

This is no doubt due to fact between Wrath of the Lich King and now, his daughter Kinndy died in the bombing of Theramore. Afterwards, the Kirin Tor allowed him to make a sparkling image of Kinndy above the lamp posts when he lit them.

He probably continues to do it in memory of his daughter