Ulduar Achieves

There are 70 achievements in Ulduar

Nuked from Orbit
Orbital Devastation
Orbital Bombardment
Three Car Garage 10 and 25 player
Unbroken 10 and 25 player
Take Out Those Turrets
Shutout  10 and 25 player
A Quick Shave

Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare  10 and 25 player
Stokin’ the Furnace  10 and 25 player
Hot Pocket
Must Deconstruct Faster  10 and 25 player
Nerf Gravity Bombs  10 and 25 player
Nerf Engineering  10 and 25 player
Nerf Scrapbots
I Choose You, Runemaster Molgeim

I Choose You, Steelbreaker
I Choose You, Stormcaller Brundir
But I’m On Your Side
Can’t Do That While Stunned
Disarmed  10 and 25 player
Rubble and Roll  10 and 25 player
With Open Arms
If Looks Could Kill  10 and 25 player
Crazy Cat Lady
Nine Lives

Observed  10 and 25 player
Knock, Knock, Knock on Wood 10 and 25 player
Knock, Knock on Wood 10 and 25 player
Knock on Wood  10 and 25 player
Con-speed-atory  10 and 25 player
Getting Back to Nature  10 and 25 player
I Could Say That This Cache Was Rare  10 and 25 player

Cheese the Freeze  10 and 25 player
I Have the Coolest Friends  10 and 25 player
Staying Buffed All Winter
Firefighter  10 and 25 player
Not-So-Friendly Fire
Set Up Us the Bomb  10 and 25 player
Lose Your Illusion  10 and 25 player
Siffed  10 and 25 player
Don’t Stand in the Lightning  10 and 25 player
I’ll Take You All On  10 and 25 player

Who Needs Bloodlust?  10 and 25 player
I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning  10 and 25 player
Shadowdodger  10 and 25 player
Alone in the Darkness +3  10 and 25 player
They’re Coming Out of the Walls
He’s Not Getting Any Older
Drive Me Crazy  10 and 25 player
In His House He Waits Dreaming 10 and 25 player
Kiss and Make Up  10 and 25 player

The Siege of Ulduar

Defeat Flame Leviathan in Ulduar with all 4 Orbital Defense Systems active.
To get this achievement you will first have to trigger the defenses by talking to the Lore Keeper of Norgannon, who is located directly at the entry of the instance.
Kill Flame with all 4 defense turrets active. If you complete this, you’ll also get: Nuked from Orbit (3 Defences activated), Orbital Devastation (2 Defences activated), and Orbital Bombardment.(1 Defence activated)
. If you don’t need Orbit-uary, then talk to Brann Bronzebeard and he’ll deactivate them.
Three Car Garage – It will take 3 runs of this raid to get this achievement
Defeat Flame Leviathan in Ulduar while in each of the following vehicles.
Salvaged Chopper
Salvaged Demolisher
Salvaged Siege Engine
Destroy 100 Steelforged Defenders in 10 seconds in the Iron Concourse at the entrance to Ulduar.

Defeat Flame Leviathan in Ulduar on the first try without anyone repairing their vehicle.

Take Out Those Turrets
Destroy a Flame Leviathan Defense Turret in Ulduar.
To complete these achievements, you need to be the passenger in a demolisher
. As the passenger hit the “load into Catapult” button. Then have the driver face Flame, stop moving, and use Throw Passenger action. Once atop Flame, there are 2 turrets, one in both melee and range DPS range.

Defeat Flame Leviathan in Ulduar without causing a System Shutdown.
Basically a speed kill achievement.

A Quick Shave
Defeat Razorscale in Ulduar without allowing her to fly into the air more than once.
A speed kill

Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare
Defeat 25 Dark Rune Guardian Dwarves with Razorscale’s Flame Breath in Ulduar.
Strip down. Less gear, less damage you’ll be dealing.
Start the encounter.
Hardest part: do nothing. Don’t attack the dwarves, do not use the harpoons. Allow the dwarves to kill off your engineers. You’re waiting for Razorscale to enrage. You’ll see the following notification in your chat log when she does: Razorscale goes into a beserker rage!
Once the engineers are dead and Razorscale enrages, trigger the harpoons.
As soon as Razorscale lands, punch her a few times and bring her health below 50% to keep her grounded indefinitely.
From this point, simply stand right in front of her and allow her to cast Flame Breath repeatedly until 25 dwarves have died to it. Takes 2-3 breaths to kill off the dwarves.

Ignis the Furnace Master
Stokin’ the Furnace
Defeat Ignis the Furnace Master in Ulduar in under 4 minutes.

Hot Pocket
Survive being thrown into Ignis the Furnace Master’s Slag Pot in Ulduar.
This is an RNG achievement (especially with multiple people). All you have to do is get thrown into Ignis’ slag pot. (Please note you won’t be thrown into the slag pot if you have highest aggro e.g. tank)

Defeat Ignis the Furnace Master in Ulduar after shattering 2 Iron Constructs within 5 seconds.
During the fight, Ignis will spawn Iron Constructs. This is a kiting challenge. Once 2 constructs are up, do the following: first, kite them both into the fire left by Ignis. This will cause them to gain a Heat debuff. Once this stacks to 10 each, they gain a new debuff, Molten, which last for 20 seconds. Within this 20 seconds, kite them into the water on side of the boss area. They will then get a new debuff, Brittle. Then just do some solid DPS (~5k) and they’ll explode. You need both to shatter within 5 seconds to get the achievement.

XT-002 Deconstructor
Must Deconstruct Faster
Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor in Ulduar in under 205 seconds.
Speed Kill

Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor in Ulduar after destroying his heart.
This achievement can be a little tricky as a 120 because you can easily do too much damage and kill the boss too early.
Take off all of your gear. If your abilities require a weapon, use a low-level one.
Auto attack the boss down to 75% to trigger the heart phase. Damage transfers from the heart to the boss, so try keep his health as close to 75% as possible. If he’s too much lower at the beginning of the heart phase, he’ll die before the heart does and you’ll fail.
Once the heart is out, damage it quickly. You need to kill it on the first heart phase or else his health will be too low to finish the achievement in subsequent heart phases phases triggered at 50% and 25% boss health.
Once the heart is dead, he’ll return to full health and you can kill him normally and get the achievement.
If you kill the Heart too fast the boss will die with it at the same time and you won’t get the achievement
(Die and do with rez sickness if need be)

Nerf Gravity Bombs
Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor in Ulduar without any raid member dying from a Gravity Bomb.

The last 2 achievements relate to the adds XT spawns during the fight. There are 3 adds: Pumellers, Scrapbots, and Boombots

Nerf Engineering: Don’t allow any Scrapbots healing XT. Scrapbots will heal XT when they get to him, so basically just kill the Scrapbots when they spawn.

Nerf Scrapbots: The goal is to kill 20 Scrapbots in 12 seconds using a Boombot. First, this is somewhat RNG driven, so good luck. Every 25% when XT exposes his heart he spawns a set of adds. Start the fight with XT by the stairs. DPS him to 75%. When the heart comes out, nuke it down to 5%. When that is happening, throw some slows down (frost traps, etc.). When the heart phase ends, you want to quickly nuke him down under 50% to push him into the next heart phase. Get the heart down to 3-5% again. After the heart phase ends, nuke him down below 25% to push him into the third heart phase. Once this happens you will hopefully have 20 Scrapbots out converging on XT and a Boombot. A few hits on the Boombot will blow it up and destroy all the nearby Scrapbots. If RNG was on your side, you’re good.
The Antechamber of Ulduar

It will take at least 3 runs to complete the achievements associated with the Stormcaller Brundir
There are 3 bosses you take on at once, and the fight’s a simple tank/spank. There are 5 achievements here, 3 of which are regarding the order which you kill bosses – all very easy. The following will take 3 separate runs:
I Choose You, Runemaster Molgeim: Simply kill Molgeim last.
I Choose You, Steelbreaker: Simply kill Steelbreaker last. (This is part of the Glory achievement.)
I Choose You, Stormcaller Brundir: Simply kill Brundir last.

But I’m On Your Side
Defeat the Assembly of Iron in Ulduar while under the effect of an Iron Boot Flask.
To do this you need to use a Iron Boot Flask before the fight. You can get it from Olut Alegut for Horde or Rork Sharpchin for Alliance. It costs 10 Relic of Ulduar
Kill trash at Halls of Stone for relics
Also note that if you’ve never been to this vendor, you have to do a quest for him turning in 10 of the relics before buying from him, so you would need 20 total to get the toy.
The flask is BOP, so you need to get it yourself – no buying for or from friends.

Can’t Do That While Stunned
Defeat the Assembly of Iron in Ulduar without allowing Stormcaller Brundir to damage anyone with Chain Lightning or Lightning Whirl.
If you destroy his arms (either left/right), his head takes damage.
don’t use any AoE attacks
Destroy both of Kologarn’s arms and then Kologarn himself within 12 seconds in Ulduar.

Rubble and Roll
Defeat Kologarn in Ulduar after causing at least 25 Rubble creatures to spawn.
To do this achievement, just destroy 5 arms. After you destroy an arm, it will spawn 5 Rubble creatures. After a bit, fallen arms will respawn. So, just do this until you’ve killed 5 sets of Rubbles (25 total)

With Open Arms
Defeat Kologarn in Ulduar without destroying either of his arms.

If Looks Could Kill
Defeat Kologarn in Ulduar without any raid member being hit by Focused Eyebeams

Crazy Cat Lady
Defeat Auriaya in Ulduar without destroying her Sanctum Sentries.

Nine Lives
Defeat the Feral Defender and then defeat Auriaya in Ulduar.
You need to kill the Feral Defender that spawns during the Auriaya encounter before killing Auriaya. The Feral Defender will spawn about 1 minute into the battle, so you need to really not DPS Auriaya at all . Once the defender spawns, you’ll need to DPS him. He’ll “revive” himself 8 times – meaning you basically kill him 9 times during the fight.

Algalon the Observer
Defeat Algalon the Observer in Ulduar

Defeat Algalon the Observer in Ulduar after closing 3 Black Holes within 10 seconds.
You have to close 3 black holes within 10s by kiting living constellations into them.Patience will be key for the black holes and constellations to spawn.
To make this achievement easier, you should try and kill Collapsing Stars close to each other so that you don’t waste too much time when kitting the Living Constellations into the Black Holes.
You can solo this achievement although if you’re not fast enough you will get 5 stacks of the Phase Punch debuff which will port you in the spirit realm which makes the boss reset.
Therefore you might want to bring a friend that can taunt the boss, and coordinate with him when to start kiting the Living Constellations.
The Keepers of Ulduar

Knock, Knock, Knock on Wood
Defeat Freya in Ulduar while leaving all 3 Elders alive.
If you do this you’ll also get Knock, Knock on Wood ( leaving 2 Elders alive.) and Knock on Wood. ( leaving 1 Elder alive.)

While fighting Freya in Ulduar, defeat 2 Ancient Water Spirits, 2 Storm Lashers, and 2 Snaplashers within 10 seconds.

Defeat Elder Brightleaf, Elder Ironbranch, and Elder Stonebark in Ulduar within 15 seconds of each other
Important to know that if you kill Freya, they will despawn

Defeat Freya in Ulduar within 20 minutes of the first creature killed in the Conservatory of Life.

Getting Back to Nature
Defeat Freya in Ulduar while she is affected by at least 25 stacks of Attuned to Nature.
Freya starts with 150 stacks of this and each mob you kill in the waves reduces her stack. What you need to do is down the first 3 waves of trash, then just ignore the rest of the waves and nuke Freya down. – or just speed kill – those instructions maybe for lvl 85

I Could Say That This Cache Was Rare
Defeat Hodir in Ulduar before he shatters his Rare Cache of Winter.
Speed Kill

Cheese the Freeze
Defeat Hodir in Ulduar without any raid member being hit by Flash Freeze.
Speed Kill

I Have the Coolest Friends
Defeat Hodir in Ulduar without letting any of the frozen adventurers perish.
Speed Kill

Staying Buffed All Winter
While fighting Hodir in Ulduar, benefit from Toasty Fire, Storm Power and Starlight simultaneously.
You need to get the 3 buffs that occur during this fight. Some of this a bit of RNG luck, but here’s how you get the 3. The NPCs will cast 1 of the buffs on you. The other two are from objects in the room: toasty fire and starlight. The fire and starlight will be received by going by those items. Each buff lasts for 30seconds and should be obtainable by running around next to items/NPCs. Most people will “just get this” by doing the fight

Defeat Mimiron in Ulduar after activating his Self-Destruct mechanism.
In the back of the room, there is a big, red “Do Not Push” button. Push that to activate hard mode

Not-So-Friendly Fire
While fighting Mimiron in Ulduar, cause him to kill an Assault Bot with a Rocket Strike.
You need to take a bot-add from phase 3 and kite it into phase 4. Once in phase 4, you need to move it to into a rocket strike area (red zone) and have Mimiron kill it.
Assault bots are spawned during Phase 3, Aerial Command Unit.
Spawn and keep 1-3 Assault Bots and keep them alive while you continue the boss fight into the final phase with the full sized robot.
Kite the Assault Bot’s into the Rocket Strike circles to have Mimiron kill them

Set Up Us the Bomb
Defeat Mimiron in Ulduar without anyone in the raid being hit by the following:
A Proximity Mine
A Bomb Bot
A Rocket Strike
Lose Your Illusion
Defeat Thorim in Ulduar while Sif is present
This is a speed kill that requires your tunnel team to get to Thorim in under ~3 minutes.

While fighting Thorim in Ulduar, force him into the arena before Sif departs.
Another Speed Kill

Don’t Stand in the Lightning
Defeat Thorim in Ulduar without any raid member being struck by Lightning Charge.
Another Speed Kill

I’ll Take You All On
When fighting Thorim in Ulduar, participate in killing the Ancient Rune Giant and the Runic Colossus.
To get this you need to be in the group who goes through the tunnel. After downing the 2 mini-bosses in the tunnel and Thorim, you got this.

Who Needs Bloodlust?
Defeat Thorim in Ulduar while under the effect of Aura of Celerity.
Simply kill the trash, pull the lever for Hardmode, run to Thorim and attack him so he jumps in the arena, there should be a Dark Rune Warbringer spawned in the arena which you have to mindcontrol. The mindcontrolling player then has to activate the ability and all players should get a buff. Nuke Thorim fast, cause the buff won’t last long.
The Descent into Madness

General Vezax
I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning
Defeat General Vezax in Ulduar after defeating the Saronite Animus.
: During the first ~ 3minutes of the fight Saronite Crystals. Do NOT attack these. So – this means single target DPS, no totems/pets/etc. You’ll basically need to let General Vezax stand there while you heal through his DPS, as you can easily kill him before the crystals all spawn. Once the first 6 crystals spawn, they’ll merge into a Saronite Animus. Kill the Animus then nuke Vezax. The Animus must die first. Note: If you kill 1 of the first 6 crystals that spawn, you have to wipe it, as only the first 6 crystals can merge into the Animus.

Defeat General Vezax in Ulduar without any raid member being hit by Shadow Crash
Speed Kill

Alone in the Darkness
Defeat Yogg-Saron in Ulduar without the assistance of any Keepers.
This achievement will also grant you One Light in the Darkness (This is part of the Glory achievement), Two Lights in the Darkness and Three Lights in the Darkness.
They’re Coming Out of the Walls
While rescuing Sara from Yogg-Saron in Ulduar, defeat 9 Guardians of Yogg-Saron within 12 seconds.
During Phase 1 while killing guardians, this achievement requires you to kill 9 guardians in 12 seconds. Guardians spawn by players touching the 4-5 floating clouds around the room. So, spawn 9 guardians and nuke them all down in the middle of the room.

He’s Not Getting Any Older
Defeat Yogg-Saron in Ulduar within 7 minutes.
Speed Kill
Drive Me Crazy
Defeat Yogg-Saron in Ulduar without any raid member going insane.
Speed Kill

In His House He Waits Dreaming
Experience all 3 visions of Yogg-Saron’s mind in Ulduar.
The Assassination of King Llane
The Tortured Champion
The Forging of the Demon Soul
During phase 2 – you need to witness all 3 nightmares/visions that are presented inside the portal. This will take a few runs of Yogg most likely. The achievement can be completed in multiple runs, so you don’t need to do this all in 1 encounter.

Kiss and Make Up
/Kiss Sara in Ulduar while she is angry with you.
During phase 2, Sara is flying above Yogg-Saron. To obtain the achievement, you need to target her and /kiss her (while she’s angry).