Rare Reagents and where to find


Lens of Focused Intention

Unalloyed Bronze Ingot

Crystalized Echo of the First Song

Mawforged Bridle

Tools of Incomprehensible Experimentation

Winds Infinite Call

Eternal Ragepearl

Bauble of Pure Innovation

Protoform Sentience Crown

Revelation Key


Glimmer of Focus

Glimmer of Animation

Glimmer of Motion

Glimmer of Renewal

Glimmer of Satisfaction

Glimmer of Vigilance

Glimmer of Malice

Glimmer of Cunning

Glimmer of Predation

Glimmer of Metamorphosis

Glimmer of Serenity

Glimmer of Survival

Glimmer of Discovery

Glimmer of Multiplicity