Eye of Azshara-Glory of the Legion Hero

All info /images  from Wowhead

But You Say He’s Just a Friend
Defeat Warlord Parjesh without allowing any Hatecoil Shellbreakers to die in Eye of Azshara on Mythic difficulty.

Ready for Raiding V
Defeat the Wrath of Azshara without being struck by Magic or Frost Resonance in Eye of Azshara on Mythic difficulty.
Tip – Run counterclockwise.

Stay Salty
Defeat Lady Hatecoil after destroying 11 or more Saltsea Globules with a single Curse of the Witch in Eye of Azshara on Mythic difficulty.
Although this below for a solo player – stesp are same for group -Keep in mind that one globule is spawned per player in your group.
Easy Solo for Battle for Azeroth Level 120 and Beyond…
1. Mythic Difficulty.
2. Enable Enemy Nameplates. (in Keybindings – Show Enemy Nameplates)
3. Copy this Macro and use it throughout the encounter to be able to tell how many Saltsea Globules you have, and always subtract 1 because the boss will also count as one.
/run local count = 0 for i = 0, 10000, 1 do if _G[“NamePlate”..i] ~= nil and _G[“NamePlate”..i]:IsVisible() then count = count + 1 end end print(count)
4. Mount up, and begin encounter by walking into the boss. I was able to stay mounted the entire time.
5. Now comes the long part, for the next several minutes while mounted, keep doing circles around the perimeter of the fight area. I did counter-clockwise.
6. Pan your camera after several of the globules have spawned and check your Globules amount by using the above macro.
7. Once you have 11+1 (boss counts too) = 12, or 13 to be safe, get off your mount, face the globules, and you’ll see a purple wave of awesome kill them all.
8. Nuke Boss.
