Top 10 Unique Rings in WoW’s History

Top 10 Unique Rings in WoWs History
All info taken from a youtube video – creators name hirumaredz
All credit to hirumaredz
Video link-

Top 10 Unique Rings in WoWs History

The 1 Ring
Added in patch 1.11 a reference to J. R. R. Tolkien’s 1 ring from The lord of the Rings
Only obtainable from fishing like the way the ring was found in the Book
The 2 Ring was added in the Burning Crusade , mentioned in the 1 Ring’s description – ‘Not quite as good as the 2 Ring’- it carried the description ‘ Vastly superior to the 1 Ring’
Another ring called the 5 Ring was added in patch 3.1 – this ring carried the description ‘ This ring appears to have eaten the 3 and 4 rings’

The Seal of Ascension
This ring gave the owner the ability to open the doors to the Upper Blackrock Spire
To obtain the ring the player had to complete a quest called ‘The Seal of Ascension’ which required you to enter Lower Blackrock Spire and obtain 4 gems (3 gems and the seal) from various Bosses in the dungeon
Only one dropped at a time per group and the drop rate was not 100%
Once you got the 4 gems you needed to turn in the quest then head to Dustwallow Marsh and work with an ancient drake – Emberstrife – to forge the seal
Another use the ring had was – if the group managed to reach the Rend Blackhand encounter if they used this ring it summoned Vaelan to heal the group.

Precious Bloodthorn Loop
Another reference to the Lord of the Rings
Added in 6.0 this ring drops from Draenor version of Shadowmoon Valley from a rare pale orc called Gorum , an abviour reference to Gollum

Tier Set rings
Back in Vanilla Tier sets consisted not only the normal Tier Set pieces ( Helmet, Gloves, Legs, Cloak and Robe ) but also had Braces , Belts, Boots and Rings allowing not only for a 2 and 4 set bonus but also a 6 and 8 set
The rings were first seen in ‘The Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj’- a 20-man raid ( AQ20 )
They required you to collect various scarabs and idols as well as ring tokens and Cenarion Circle rep
This ring was part of the three set bonus specific to your class that required you to get a cloak and a weapon – this being the first and last time weapons were part of a class set
Next were rings from Naxxramas – the final time there would be 8 set bonus and final time there would be tier set rings
They were dropped from the raids final boss Kel’Thuzad

Naglering and the Freezing Band
The Naglering was one of the best rings for tanking in Vanilla
It had a unique ability which caused attackers to take arcane damage when they hit the user making holding aggro on groups of enemies much easier
At this time in the game tanks didnt have a lot of AOE damage
The ring is similar to the ring of same name and effect found in Diablo 2
It was alo added in Diablo3 but changed so that it summoned little explosive demon companions
It is possible the Blizzard named this ring from real life sources , such as the German legend Alberich – about a dwarf who created the Naglering – the boss from WoW that drops the ring being a dwarf as well
The Freezing band from Vanilla WoW – an extremely rare drop which had the unique effect of dealing frost damage and the freezing them for 5 seconds
The ring had a 1% proc chance
This ring was of great benefit to Frost Mages -not only did it increase frost damage they also had lots of talensta nd abilities to sometimes freeze enemies that hit them so adding this on top of that helpd greatly- if the target was frozen by hitting the mage they could then hit them with ‘shatter’ dealing bonus damage.
The frozen effect applied by this ring did not break with damage and was also not a unique equip – meaning you could wear 2 rings for 2% proc chance
It was also useful in pvp against other mages or fast hitting classes like rogues

Dread Pirate Ring
Only obtainable by fishing it was the first heirloom ring added Wrath of the Lich King
Originally it was a reward for winning the Kalu’ak Fishing Derby an event held every Sunday
The fishers had to race to see who could be first to catch a Blacktip Shark
A similar event was added in Stranglethorn Vale Fishing Extravaganza was added in patch 1.7 also taking place every Sunday
With Blizzards cross real zoning in patch 5.0.4 it caused problems with both events so they were removed from the game
when cross realm problems were eventually fixed the rewards from the fishing derby were added to the stanglethorn event and only the stranglethorn one was brought back into the game

The Ring of the KirinTor
Added in 3.0.8
Sold by Harold Winston in Dalaran (and could be upgraded) this ring allowed the player to teleport to Dalaran

Jeweled Signet of Melandrus
Added in legion and dropped from the final boss in Court of Stars Advisor Melandrus
This ring increased your autoattack damage – something no other item has done
With the addition of Legion timewalking and mythic+ this ring is still relevant

The Ring of Collapsing Futures
Dropped by Viz’Aduum the Watcher – the final boss in the Return to Karazhan
The rings tooltip simply states ‘On use deal Shadow damage to an enemy’ then went on a 15 second cooldown
What the ring did was deal shadow damage yhen go on its’ 15 second cooldown however it would then give you a debuff called Temptation that alsted for 30 seconds
while you had this debuff if you used the ring again it would have the chance to backfire and go on a 5 minute cooldown
The debuff also stacked so you could do one of two things – be careful and wait the full 30 seconds while the debuff was active before reusing or gamble and pop it every 15 seconds until it backfired

Noble’s Elementium Signet and the Black Diamond Ring
Basic rings – no stats, unique equipped and expensive – but – necklaces, trinkets and rings have no visuals on being equipped except for these two rings
Noble’s Elementium Signet when worn causes your right hand to sparkle every so often and the
Black Diamond Ring causes a large purple gem to appear on your right hands finger that sparkles purple every so often
With legion came alternate versions of these rings -Eternal Noble’s Elementium Signet and Eternal Black Diamond Ring – toy versions which have a permanent duration and are activated from your toybox
Bought from vendor Haris Pilton in Terokkar Forest for 5k and 3k gold

There is also a ring called Black Ice that has the same visual as the Black diamond- a reward from a short quest line that starts with a quest called ‘Booty bays interests’ and ends with one called ‘ A Shiny Reward’
Black Ice is a Toy since Legion
Simply enter Zul Gurub on Heroic Mode and right at the entrance Overseer Blingbang will offer the prequest Booty Bay’s Interests