Maelie the Wanderer

Maelie the Wanderer can be found at several locations in Korthia, usually near cliffs or in between giant carcass structures.
As new locations are consistently discovered, the below map and coordinate list is likely not final.
You can easily find Maelie with a /tar Maelie macro, though, if she is not in one of the locations below.
/way 43.0 32.6
/way 49.3 41.7
/way 50.3 22.9
/way 39.7 34.9
/way 61.3 40.4
/way 30.0 55.6
/way 42.8 60.4
/way 60.0 15.2
/way 38.4 31.4
/way 41.3 27.5

Once Maelie is found, all you need to do is click on her to cast Reassure, which will reassure Maelie!
The cloudrunner will then return to Keeper’s Respite on her own.

This can only be done once a day

Once Maelie is returned to Keeper’s Respite 6 times, Tinybell will offer the quest  Maelie, The Wanderer, which awards the  Reins of the Wanderer mount!