Halls of Valor – Glory of the Legion Hero

  • Mythic, no keystone
  • Individual achieves are account wide so you can do on any alt
  • Reward is Reigns of the Leyfeather Hippogryph
  • Unlocks artifact appearance 4 in the Balance of Power line.

1. Stag Party

Defeat a Storm Drake after allowing it to gain 10 stacks of Killing Blow in Halls of Valor on Mythic difficulty.
Needs someone with taunt in the group.
  • In the Fenyr area of the instance, first kill all of the mobs in the area, EXCEPT THE STAGS. There are 10 stags and we need them all.
  • Target a storm drake and dps it to about 50%, easy on the dots.
  • Kite the storm drake to each stag, it will eat it and gain a stack of Killing Blow, up to 10 stacks.
  • Kill the drake.

2. I Got What You Mead

Splash all four vrykul kings with a Mug of Mead in Halls of Valor on Mythic difficulty.
This one is about organisation and coordination.
  • Clear out all the trash from the dining areas
  • Go up the glowy ramp and mark the 4 bosses with different raid markers (King Haldor, King Ranulf, King Tor and King Bjorn). Remember which markers you used. Everyone make sure their special action button is enabled.
  • Go back down to the dining hall and find the 4 mugs of mead (sparkle). Target them with the same 4 raid markers you put on the bosses. Stand one player in front of each mug. You have 60s once the mugs are picked up to throw them onto the bosses.
  • Use a countdown of some sort, each person grabs a mug and runs to their boss and throws the mead using the special action key.

3. Surge Protector

Defeat Odyn without any Stormforged Obliterators successfully casting Surge in Halls of Valor on Mythic difficulty.
  • Whenever Odyn summons a Stormforged Obliterator, cleave it down, interrupt its casts of Surge.5493