Lobstmourne Fist Weapon

Lobstmourne is dropped by Clawlord Kril’mandar in Krasarang wilds.

Clawlord Kril’mandar is summoned using Clamshell Band, which is created by combining 6 components gathered from elite makrura located around Pandaria.

Once all 6 items are collected off of the elites below, you “use” one of the items to create Clamshell Band which can be used to summon the elite Makrura Clawlord Kril’mandar who has a very high drop rate of Lobstmourne.

Akkalou’s Clamshell
Akkalar’s Clamshell
Kishak’s Clamshell
Damlak’s Clamshell
Clamstok’s Clamshell
Odd’nirok’s Clamshell

/way The Jade Forest 59.2 36.6 Akkalou
/way The Jade Forest 59.8 95.8 Akkalar
/way Krasarang Wilds 40 88 Damlak
/way Dread Wastes 27 69.2 Clamstok
/way Townlong Steppes 42.6 92.6 Odd’nirok
/way Kun-Lai Summit 49 19 Kishak