Lucy the Ghost Cat.

Each zone / faction will have a daily calling quest that comes up from time to time called ‘Training Our Forces’.
During that calling, a trainee from your faction will accompany you in that particular zone.
There are several different trainees,but there is one “special trainee” that can accompany you that allows you to get the Dirty Glinting Object.
The Dirty Glinting Object has a chance to loot Lucy’s Lost Collar which yields the companion pet Lucy.

The Special Trainee can also be with you for other callings:
Training in Ardenweald
Training in Bastion
Training in Maldraxxus
Training in Revendreth

Below is the name of the special trainee for each covenant:
Covenant: Venthyr
Special Trainee: Drippy

Covenant: Kyrian
Special Trainee: Deos

Covenant: Night Fae
Special Trainee: Twinklewings

Covenant: Necrolords
Special Trainee: Dregs

The way it works varies slightly for each trainee, but the mechanics are the same.
The Dirty Glinting Object appears after you kill an enemy.
The enemy does not have to be part of a World Quest, it can be any level 60 mob in that zone, hostile or neutral.
The loot will twinkle on the ground and when you hover your mouse over it, the loot icon shows up, but when you loot the
object, a loot dialog box DOES NOT OPEN.
The loot will just pop into your bag (make sure you have bag space)

After you loot the object, you will need to wait about 5 minutes for it to happen again.

As long as you do not turn in the quest (or it expires), your special trainee will stay with you and you can continue to get loot
every 5 minutes after a kill.

Handy addon
Once every five minutes, after combat, your trainee may give an emote that they found something on the ground, and a sparkling pile will appear for you to loot.
If you aren’t paying attention, you may miss it.
This addon will play a sound when that happens, so you don’t miss it.

Other loot include –
Pocket Portals (teleports)
“Flying Faerie” Costume for your pug
Flawless Battle-Stones
Battle-Training stones
Various potions
Various gems
Various foods

Info and image Wowhead