Katy’s Stampwhistle

Katy’s Stampwhistle – a mailbox toy   (and Mailmental pet)
This toy is account-bound. Unlock it on one character and every character can use it, even cross-faction.
She has a 3h cooldown timer
She has a separate cooldown per character. Each character gets their own 3h timer.
Other players (of your faction) can interact with and even send/receive mail from her.
She’s unlocked from the 7.3.5 Postmaster/Mail quest, which starts from Lost Mail.

The quest starts with a dropped Lost Mail on the ground by a mailbox in Dalaran.
Respawns approx every 2 hours.
This Lost Mail is also BoE and a copy is mailed to you upon completion of the quest, so you can give it to a friend.
We do have Lost Mail in glass tab of guild bank – you may use that one, all we ask is that you replace it with the one you will receive during quest so someone else can use it .

