Discs of Norgannon daily

Data Anomaly
The Discs of Norgannon daily allows players to summon a Data Anomaly.

You can stand by the location of the Data Anomaly after you’ve completed the quest and keep killing more in hopes of getting the rare loot. You can only kill each different Data Anomaly once per day. (That is – loot – you can kill but wont get loot)   That is for Elite ones – you can kill normal ones for small amount of scrap

Alternatively, you can farm Scorched Data Disc, Rust Covered Disc, Large Storage Fragment and use it to summon more Data Anomalies. There is no other way to get Blueprint: Holographic Digitalization Relay other than killing Data Anomalies while this daily is active. Some of the other blueprints can be farmed from rares, but this will be the most efficient way to get them.

Here are some of the rewards that you can farm.
Vinyl: Battle of Gnomeregan for Junkyard Melomaniac.
Blueprint: Blue Spraybot for Junkyard Architect.
Blueprint: Holographic Digitalization Relay for Junkyard Architect and creating a cool toy Holographic Digitalization Hearthstone!
Metal Detector Blue Punchcard
Each boss also has a chance to drop some of its original loot including Demonshear and Meathook’s Slicer. (Swords)


Balnazzar – can drop Demonshear
Baron Geddon – can drop Earthfury Epaulets
Crowd Pummeler 9-60 – can drop Bot Operator’s Treads
Captain Kromcrush – can drop Boots of the Full Moon
Hogger – can drop Hogger’s Trousers
Lord Incendius – can drop Cinderhide Armsplints f
Meathook – can drop Meathook’s Slicer
Razorclaw the Butcher – can drop Eerie Stable Lantern
Razorlash – can drop Strip-Thorn Gauntlets
Baron Kazum – doesn’t seem to have any specific drop