Neltharion’s Lair – Glory of the Legion Hero

Mythic, no keystone
· Individual achieves are account wide so you can do on any alt
· Unlocks artifact appearance 4 in the Balance of Power line.

1. Got to Ketchum All

Use the Ketchum Tablet to acquire imprints of all the named snails within Neltharion’s Lair.
Please watch first 5 minutes only.
Enter Neltharion’s lair and buy a Ketchum Tablet off the Mushroom Merchant down a path to the right at the beginning of the instance, just past Spiritwalker Ebonhorn. (As many people as want to, can buy one).
The snails have to be smacked with the tablet. If one person in a group hits a snail, everyone gets credit.
Snails have 80hp and dps will kill them immediately so make sure autoshot is off before you target them. Do not right-click to target them.
Scaly: Stop before the barrels. Target Scaly and put a raid marker icon on him. Jump into the barrels, everyone try to hit Scaly with the fish in your extra action bar. Scaly falls into the water and is waiting for you when you leave the barrels.
Sparky: Is in the cave below the waterfall you just came down. Target him, raid marker. Pull off and kill any close mobs, avoiding aoe. He has to be taunted out of his electricity field before smacking him, or a hunter can use binding shot, a priest mind control, or a rogue can go in and smack him using shadowstep, mage blink.
Slinky: is on the pathway off to the left before Ularogg Cragshaper, in a cave at the end.
Whipsnap, Turbix, Blaze: are in the snail race after Ularogg Cragshaper. Pull mobs well away to kill, smack snails.
Sticky: Is right after the snail race. Branch off to the right into Scaleback Run on the map, kill the basilisks in the river. Target Sticky and find him in the cave to the north, stuck to the ceiling. Taunt or dispel him down and smack. He goes back up to the ceiling fast so it may take a few tries.
Target macro:
/cleartarget /tar Sparky /tar Whipsnap /tar Slinky /tar Scaly /tar Turbax /tar Blaze
/tar Sticky /script SetRaidTarget(“target”,8);

2. Can’t Eat Just One

Defeat Naraxas after she gains 6 stacks of Ravenous in Neltharion’s Lair on Mythic difficulty.
Please watch Here (2 mins).
Let Naraxas gain 6 stacks of Ravenous from eating the tank with Spiked Tongue or by eating the two adds that spawn. Ravenous increases boss’s damage.
  • Get boss to 25% without dots
  • Wait until she gets 6 stacks of Ravenous
  • Kill.
  • Neltharions-Lair-Dungeon-Map