Fae Pipes


Fae Pipes –
The Fae Pipes is a toy that, when played, will play one out of 3 melodies.
This toy has a very low cooldown of 12 seconds, allowing you to continually play melodies!
Nearby players can also hear your songs, provided they have sound on.

You can obtain this toy by looting the Elusive Faerie Cache treasure in Ardenweald.
This treasure is initially locked – to unlock the treasure, you need to collect the Faerie Lamp and bring it to the Elusive Faerie Cache.
The Faerie Lamp will only stay lit for 2 minutes, so be fast!

You can use the coordinates below in Ardenweald to help you easily obtain the treasure, use them with a coordinate addon such as TomTom.

/way 46.48 70.90 Faerie Lamp (Elusive Faerie Cache)
/way 44.79 75.78 Elusive Faerie Cache (Requires Faerie Lamp)