The Shadowbarb Drone

The Shadowbarb Drone is a mount rewarded from a series of daily quests in Visions of N’Zoth.
Raise your Aqir Hatchling to acquire a new mount, pet, and toy.

Shadowbarb Quest Requirements
This questline is available for both Alliance and Horde characters.
You must have unlocked Uldum assaults on your character to start this questline
Once started, this questline will require approximately 30 days of daily quests to earn all rewards. These do not need to be done in consecutive days.

There are three stages of growth for your Shadowbarb Drone, and you will receive a reward at the end of each growth stage: Egg, Larva and Hatchling.
Egg Stage: Aqir Egg Cluster, a toy that will cover a target in bugs for a few seconds.
Larva Stage: Shadowbarb Hatchling, a Flying Battle Pet with a plethora of void-themed Magic attacks.
Hatchling Stage: Shadowbarb Drone, an Aqir flying mount.

To start the quest for the Aqir mount begins from the Voidtouched Egg which can be found during any invasions. The Voidtouched Egg can be found on western area of Uldum near Ankhaten Harbor/Schnottz’ Landing, at the coordinates 20.8 62.0.

Once you find the Voidtouched Egg, all you need to do is interact with it to start the quest The Incredible Egg, which will require you to return to Ramkahen and meet with the draenei explorer NPC H’partho Ardoros.

Guide here –…/shadowbarb-drone-mount-pet-toy