Shadowlands Covenants

Info from Wowhead

Covenants are the four powers governing over the Shadowlands – each covenant governing a specific zone of the Shadowlands
There is a fifth zone called The Maw – A zone that serves a prison for the most vile souls, the domain ruled by the Jailer of the Damned.
Your mission in the Shadowlands will be to choose one Covenant and help restore them to their former glory. Each Covenant has specific rewards such as abilities tailored after each Covenant and cosmetic rewards.

Bastion – Kyrian Covenant
In the zone of Bastion, you will meet with the Kyrian covenant. Ordered and purposeful, the Kyrian are souls that move on to become noble beings such as Spirit Healers or even full-blown Val’kyr. Souls that are sent into Bastion are ones that have gone through harsh burdens in life and seek the Kyrian to regain their virtue.
A famous soul that has found their way to Bastion and the Kyrian is that of Uther the Lightbringer, who was murdered by crown prince Arthas Menethil while defending the ashes of his father, King Terenas Menethil II.
Maldraxxus – Necrolord Covenant
Maldraxxus is a darker zone within the Shadowlands, where you will meet the Necrolord covenant. As the Necrolords believe in survival of the fittest above all, they are not inherently evil, just struggling for survival within the Shadowlands. Because of this resourcefulness, the Necrolord Convenant is considered to be the heart of the military in the Shadowlands.
The Necrolords are necrotic soldiers who wage war throughout the cosmos.
A famous soul that is aligned with the Necrolords is that of Draka, murdered by Gul’dan’s Shadow Council forces after giving birth to Thrall.

Ardenweald – Night Fae Covenant
Ardenweald is an enchanted magical forest, considered to be a darkened reflection of the Emerald Dream in Azeroth. Ardenweald and the Night Fae Covenant believe that the journey in the Shadowlands is not the end, and focus on resting their souls to prepare for rebirth and continue their purpose in the world.
The Night Fae are defenders of nature who uphold the cycle of rebirth.
A famous soul aligned with the Night Fae is that of the demigod Cenarius, who was corrupted by the Nightmare and purified in the Emerald Nightmare raid

Revendreth – Venthyr Covenant
Souls that were flawed and prideful in life end up in Revendreth, a zone full of gothic architecture and secrets that reflect the dark tone of the zone. In Revendreth, we find the Venthyr Covenant, who assist souls sent there that are attempting to atone for their sins in life.
The Venthyr are eaters of sin who harvest anima from wicked souls.
One of the famous souls you can find aligned with the Venthyr is that of Kael’thas Sunstrider, former Lord of the Blood Elves, who died in Magister’s Terrace after falling from grace by following the Legion.

Each Covenant comes with its own unique rewards only useable if belonging to the Covenant (You can change Covenants but will be costly)

General Covenant abilities have been announced as interesting ways to explore the world, and as tools to solve problems without the need for fighting. As these abilities are to be used to dodge fights, they are all straight utility abilities, allowing you to explore the world in different ways-

Kyrian – Unburden: Dissolve into pure anima, increasing your movement speed to 300%, slowing your falling speed, and propelling you forward for 4 sec. Greatly reduces the radius at which enemies will detect you.

Necrolord – Transcend the Flesh: Separate your soul from your body for 20 sec. Your soul is invisible and untargetable, though your body remains vulnerable. This effect will end early if you move further than 60 yds from your body. When Transcend the Flesh ends or is cancelled, your body rejoins with your soul.

Night Fae – Soulshape: Turn into a Spirit Fox, increasing your movement speed by 30% and causing enemies to ignore you. Lasts 10 sec, or until cancelled while in a rest area.

Venthyr – Door of Shadows: Wend through the shadows, appearing at the targeted location.

There are also Class-Specific Covenant Abilities for each Covenant

So far we have only been shown Kyrian content (Rewards and abilities are still in development and subject to change)
Loving the Wings – can’t wait to see what the other Covenants have to offer