Emerald Nightmare

All info from Wowhead

Buggy Fight
Defeat Nythendra in The Emerald Nightmare after squishing 15 Glow Bugs on Normal difficulty or higher
Glow Bugs spawn towards the end of the ‘Heart of the Swarm’ phase when the boss is lying down recovering energy
Heart of the Swarm begins shortly after the boss reaches 0 energy. She spends 50 energy each time she casts Nightmare Breath so the phases are purely time based and you do not need to damage the boss at all
The Glow Bugs are just some of the regular bugs that are lying around the edge of the room, which then grow larger and get a red tinge and a clockwork mouseover. Right click causes you to do a short cast and then a jumping animation to squish the bug
Unless you have really high mobility and are really familiar with all the spawn locations (they seem to have preset possible spawn locations but won’t necessarily spawn in the same spots each phase) you will probably only be able to stomp 1 bug per person per phase
The Boss will enrage after the 4th Heart of the Swarm phase meaning you need 4 people minimum to meet the criteria before enrage
WeakAura to track it.
Will count 1 bug multiple times if multiple people click on it. (Which is easily solved if you can manage to coordinate who is clicking on them and the rest of the raid can keep their hands off)

Webbing Crashers
Defeat Elerethe Renferal in The Emerald Nightmare after destroying all her Pulsing Egg Sacs during the encounter on Normal difficulty or higher.
Before the boss mark out the 7 glowing egg sacks around the boss room. 4 of the egg sacks are only reachable with the wings buff provided during the transition phase of the boss. Pop the two eggs sacks on the bridge and behind the boss when you begin the encounter. Assign 4 players to pop the unreachable egg sacks during the transition. Once all 6 have been popped, kill the boss.

Scare Bear
Defeat Ursoc in The Emerald Nightmare while keeping Tur Ragepaw alive on Normal difficulty or higher.
Before the Ursoc encounter, Kill the trash to the right hand side before you enter the boss room. Right click on the friendly npc Tur Ragepaw who will assist you during the encounter. Healers should set Tur as their focus and ensure to keep him healed during the ecounter.
Took the Red Eye Down
Defeat Il’gynoth in The Emerald Nightmare after inflicting 20 Nightmare Explosions on the Eye of Il’gynoth within 10 seconds on Normal difficulty or higher.
Remove AOE trigger trinkets etc, thats important, blobs only have 7k HP at 120
During the Il’gynoth encounter, Kill 20 ichor’s at within 10 seconds to kill the eye. We found it easiest to just not touch any of the adds until 20 have spawned then all stack near the eye, Mass grip and nuke them down.
Here is a macro used to count the number of Nightmare Ichor currently on screen which helped a great deal!

/run local t,c=”Nightmare Ichor”,0 for i=1,10000 do local p=C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit(“nameplate”..i) if p and p:IsVisible() and p:GetChildren():GetRegions():GetText()==t then c=c+1 end end print(t,”:”,c)

Imagined Dragons World Tour
Defeat Ysondre in The Emerald Nightmare while all members of the raid have Dream Essences from all four gateway locations on Normal difficulty or higher.
*Around the Emerald Dreamway within the Emerald Nightmare raid, where the Dragons of Nightmare are waiting, there are several portals. On your map, these are signified by blue swirly icons. You can run into these to be teleported to an instance of where it would normally lead, where you will find several green “spirits” floating around. Running into one will grant you the Dream Essence buff for that zone. Exit the portal and repeat for all four around the room, each giving you a seperate Dream Essence buff. Once you have four separate Dream Essence buffs, down the boss to acquire this achievement. I am unsure if every member of the raid must be alive for the achievement to count.

These are the four buffs you need:
Dream Essence: Ashenvale
Dream Essence: Duskwood
Dream Essence: Feralas
Dream Essence: The Hinterlands

*Split your group into 2 groups (1 tank, 2 healers, half the dps).
Have group A Engage the boss. Tank the two dragons together facing towards the raid so the ranged dps don’t get stacks.
Have group B (on their mount) go through each of the 4 portals and pick up all of the buffs.
Once group B has their 4 buffs, Swap with group A while group B walks and picks up their 4 buffs.
When both groups have their buffs, kill the boss

*1: you will keep buffs through wipes, but all buffs will be wiped whenever you pull the boss.
2: this means that as long as you get your 4 buffs first, you can die in the fight and still get credit for the achievement.
3: the buff display on other players is not 100% accurate if they are in the portals, it is only accurate if you are both in the same ‘zone’
4: The only damage you take while doing your portals is the ticking damage from the dragon marks.
5: a large-ish group of people can stay mounted at the beginning of the fight and go do their 4 portals relatively quickly.
6: we found it helpful to put a raidmark in front of each portal so people dont get disoriented.
7: bring at least one extra tank and extra healers. You will need to swap the dragons so the tanks can go get their portals.
Use the Force(s)
Defeat Cenarius without cleansing each of the following Forces of Nightmare in The Emerald Nightmare on Normal difficulty or higher.
Dryads Uncleansed
Wisps Uncleansed
Treants Uncleansed
Drakes Uncleansed
At level 120 you can do this just by nuking the boss. In a 10man group we killed him in seconds and all the requirements of the achievements were done and it was all good.

I Attack the Darkness
Defeat a Creature in the Dark during each of phase of the encounter with Xavius in The Emerald Nightmare on Normal difficulty or higher.
Defeat 3 Creatures in the Dark
Defeat Xavius
*Bring a Vengeance Demon Hunter ask them to stand in the centre of the room
As soon as Xavius is pulled use Spectral Sight and look for a Creature of Madness
Infernal Strike over near it but do not enter the mist on the edge of the room or it ends your Spectral Sight
Torment to taunt the Creature of Madness and ask the raid to nuke it then DPS Xavius down to 65%
Repeat the exercise then DPS Xavius down to 30% for the last phase and find and kill the last CoM
Do not land on an enemy with the Infernal Strike or it ends your Spectral Sight

*Warlock’s Eye of Kilrogg could see the guys from unlimited range!
The Demon Hunter in my group could also see my Eye, so i i just called out when i could see it and a general area, and then he came over to grab it.
(if you position your Lock near where the creature is passing, you can target the creature, then cancel the eye and quickly drop a dot on it without losing your target. No DH needed)

*Our DH, however, improvised and used his Nemesis talent and was able to always pull it. This seems to be because it is instant and thus the lack of a travel time meant it would hit while Spectral Sight is still up and reliably pull – although we had to wait for its 2 minute cooldown each phase.
