Treasures of Zereth Mortis

Treasures of Zereth Mortis
Discover the hidden treasures of Zereth Mortis.
Library Vault
Damaged Jiro Stash
Forgotten Proto-Vault
Mawsworn Cache
Fallen Vault
Domination Cache
Architect’s Reserve
Overgrown Protofruit
Drowned Broker Supplies
Protomineral Extractor
Stolen Scroll
Protoflora Harvester
Ripened Protopear
Bushel of Progenitor Produce
Submerged Chest
Template Archive
Symphonic Vault
Stolen Relic
Gnawed Valise
Filched Artifact
Crushed Supply Crate
Mistaken Ovoid
Offering to the First Ones
Pilfered Curio
Grateful Boon
Syntactic Vault
Undulating Foliage